

Our Mission is to continuously provide our customers a competitive advantage through international transportation and logistics services, which will meet and exceed our customer’s expectations of service…


Our Vision is to be a leading competitive global shipping and logistics company, setting high-level standards in the industry. A company whose employees and partners identify themselves with its goals and values.

Our Team

Sigma’s management team is composed of experienced and well-trained, motivated young people who are intimately involved in your project and who will make a significant difference to its success. Each of us brings to each job unique qualities that complement each other and therefore we constantly deliver exceptional results for our customers.

Our Strength comes from our people.


Since 2016, Sigma has been developing the best logistics management system for valued clients all over the world.

Our Clients



Transported around the world by us.


Satisfied clients

We are happy to serve them from all over the world.


Professionals in our team

Composed of experienced and well-trained young people.


Years of successful work

Achieved consistent accomplishments and positive outcomes over the span of over eight years.